Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Shana Tova!

Shalom Workshop Parents, Families and Friends,

My name is Gil Browdy.  I am one of the coordinators of Workshop 61 here on the ground in Israel.  I will updating this blog now and again to keep you all in the loop of the exciting happenings during this amazing year (ideally more often than I have until this point!).

So, where are we now?  The chanichim have moved in and are comfortably settled on Kibbutz Ein Dor.  Boneh began a bit over two weeks ago, and things have been going well from the get-go. 

To be a be a bit more informative:

Boneh is a four month long program within Workshop that takes place on Kibbutz Ein Dor.  Boneh is a process whose goals are to deepen the chanichim’s understanding of their Jewish identity through understanding Jewish history, Israeli history and the roots of Zionism, as well as grappling with today’s complex questions here in Israel and for Jews worldwide. 

The weekly schedule includes class time, where weekly topics are addressed (last week’s topic was “My Jewish Community”, where chanichim explored the history and character of their home communities), guest speakers, and trips to places throughout Israel to connect the learning to the real world (last week they went to Tel Aviv to learn about the first modern Jewish city as well as to visit the Diaspora Museum).  The schedule also includes Avoda, a small amount of work time on the Kibbutz to connect the chanichim to their immediate surrounding community, and Ivrit, informal Hebrew learning to give the chanichim the basic tools to interact with their environs. 

Today, of course, marks the beginning of Rosh Hashana.  This is a fitting first holiday experience for the chanichim, who themselves have just started off their year experience here in Israel.

On that note, I would like to wish all of you a happy and sweet new year.  May this year bring us all health, joy and peace.  And may you all have the strength and wisdom to handle the hardships that come along with sending your children on a long-term trip abroad.  I know it can be difficult, but we can all work together to make it an incredible experience for the chanichim.

Shana Tova!

- Gil