Thursday, October 13, 2011

Holiday Update

Hello Workshop Families and Friends,

The holiday season continues here in Israel and I wanted to update you all on how things have been. 

The Workshoppers are continuing their time on Boneh and this continues to go well. In the past weeks, the Workshoppers have learned about the beginnings of Jewish exile as well as anti-semitism and its origins. They also hiked up Mount Tavor, which is situated right next to Kibbutz Ein Dor, granting them a beautiful view of the surrounding Lower Galilee region.

The Workshoppers are also lucky enough to be on a Kibbutz that still retains communal holiday culture. For Rosh Hashana a little less than half of the chanichim remained on Kibbutz and participated in a communal holiday seder with acts put on by the Kibbutz members. On Yom Kippur, the chanichim ran peulot for themselves to better understand the meaning of the day and how it can be relevant in their lives today and this year specifically. And for today on Sukkot, the Workshoppers have also built for themselves a Sukkah and in addition there is another Kibbutz event, and Workshoppers were even asked to participate in the festivities by performing a song for the Kibbutz! 

So Shana Tova and Chag Sameach to one and all.